In this article, you can discover…

  • The benefits of using bankruptcy to handle medical debt.
  • How Chapters 7 and 13 uniquely address medical debt.
  • How an attentive, caring attorney can be of help while navigating bankruptcy. 

How Common Is Medical Debt As A Factor For A Bankruptcy In Texas?

It is a significant cause. I help many clients who have large medical debt and feel overwhelmed. This anxiety ultimately leads them to pursue bankruptcy to get relief from that debt. For the most part, a typical client comes to our office with some amount of medical debt that is creating financial problems for them, and bankruptcy helps mitigate those difficulties.

What Are The Benefits For Filing For Bankruptcy To Address Medical Debt?

The greatest benefit is that you are now discharging that debt, similarly to how you might be discharged from credit card debt. You have no responsibility going forward to pay that medical debt. This relieves you of that former financial burden and allows you to move forward less financially constrained and less worried.

What Are The Negatives For Filing For Bankruptcy To Address Medical Debt?

The only negative that I’ve seen in my nearly 20 years of practice is that filing for bankruptcy can make a future relationship with that medical provider to whom you were in debt rocky especially in a Chapter 7. The medical provider wants to be sure that you will pay them in the future. If you plan to continue to use that doctor or dentist, it would be advantageous to work out a payment plan with them. Whether you are successful or not will totally be dependent on the policies of that office. 

Attorney Mike Wallace is a seasoned bankruptcy attorney serving Texas. For nearly 20 years, he’s helped men and women just like you get out of medical debt using Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies and served his clients with compassion and diligence.

Have questions about medical debt and getting debt relief? Reach out to Mike Wallace, P.C., at (888) 402-5557 for an initial consultation today!

How Do Chapters 7 and 13 Bankruptcy Differently Address Medical Debt?

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the medical provider is not going to receive any additional money from you. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, if you have disposable income, medical providers will be receiving some money from you based on that disposable income if they file a Proof of Claim. 

What Are The Alternatives To Bankruptcy For Managing Large Medical Bills?

You can often negotiate with a provider through their billing department to reduce the bill, and many debtors take that route. Some hospitals will allow you to make payment plans over time or as a lump sum that can be negotiated based on income level.

How Do You Navigate These Cases As An Attorney In A Way That Protects Your Mental Health?

It can be difficult to help clients navigate a very stressful, intense debt situation without causing stress on one’s self. These negative stress levels are often offset by the immensely positive outcomes that I can obtain for my clients. 

As a bankruptcy lawyer, I get tremendous satisfaction by helping people navigate the bankruptcy system and get them financial relief. For those who seem to be in a very difficult, stressful situation, I work all the harder to help steer them through that challenge with success.

That effort can be stressful, especially for an attorney. Getting outside, being physically active, and working out are all ways that help me relieve stress, burn off tension, and continue to work at my best.

Why We Approach Client Service The Way We Do

Years ago, I had to seek bankruptcy protection myself – long before I even filed my first bankruptcy case as a lawyer. I can empathize deeply with clients who come into my office for help because I’ve been in their shoes. I understand first-hand the stresses that people in debt are trying to juggle, and my experience as a lawyer allows me to find tailored solutions that best address their problems. 

If you’re seeking relief from medical debt through bankruptcy, give my law office a call. My staff and I will listen compassionately to your background, worries, and needs and get you the help you need to put your financial world back together. 

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started? 

For more information on Bankruptcy For Medical Debt, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (888) 402-5557 today.

Attorney Mike Wallace is a seasoned bankruptcy attorney serving Texas. For nearly 20 years, he’s helped men and women just like you get out of medical debt using Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcies and served his clients with compassion and diligence.

Have questions about medical debt and getting debt relief? Reach out to Mike Wallace, P.C., at (888) 402-5557 for an initial consultation today!

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